Saturday, August 14, 2010

Loss of Perspective

Hmmm... I guess because the Wikileaks issue with releasing the "War Diaries" is really challenging quite a few societal norms, that I am still interested in it. However, I realized to my horror that the state of play that is currently being held - with Wikileaks intending to release 15,000 more files on top of the 70,000 they have already released is a huge perversion. Whereas previously I think the intentions of Wikileaks could have been justified by the need to expose the reality of the war (which frankly I think a lot of people who had ever seriously thought about it would have recognised), now their threats to expose the additional 15,000 is just about showing off - that they can. What honorable aim can they possibly think to achieve by this action? I guess I wait to find out...
On another note, I heard in an interview recently they mentioned that a volunteer was detained by the US at the airport, and their laptop etc confiscated and searched for data. Fortunately we were told it was of course already sanitised - I wonder how? How can you remove data from a HDD securely - low level format? (takes forever!!!) or bring a strong magnet over the drive?...
Anyway, I guess I wait to see the unfolding of the events, and I trully hope that this war is not based on whose ego is bigger... :(

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