Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jerks vs Creeps vs Roy Spencer (...and Sebras)

Let's start first with Sebra's... I have just recently noticed how excessively patriotic I'm becoming in spelling. I guess sometime I just miss the balminess of home and the roar of the ocean... so I make a point of maintaining my Australian spelling. However, being a poor speller to start with, I have just taken the bulldosing approach and started spelling everything with a 's' instead. Yup, in Australia we have 'seros' and 'sebras'! :D

Now onto the main point, reading Gould's book (actually his Wiki bio...) I came across two contending theories of the mechanics of evolution - punctuated theory vs gradualist theory of evolution (affectionally refered to as jerks and creeps respectively - isn't the English language just wonderful?).
(Note, no one is asking my opinion... I don't need to have one, which is so entirely refreshing.)

Hmmm... fascinating theories and both proposed by 'evolutionists', however, I feel like the punctuated theory lends itself more to alignment with intelligent design. I wonder what Gould would think of this? I am in the last couple of chapters of the book, and while it has been jaw dropping reading and looking at the pictures of the marvels of the Burgess fauna, these last few chapters are full of philosophical musings which are equally jaw dropping, especially given it is all so new to me.
Interesting aside note to me, is that while other similar soft bodied preserved fossils have been discovered in nearby and far (China) places, it seems like there is no record of juveniles...

Okay, so how does Roy Spencer come into this? Well, he was mentioned to me recently for reasons of his having a loud opinion on climate change, and when I went to see what his opinions where which I am now interested in, so I'll have to go find his book to read...I stumbled upon the fact that well he was a 'creationist'. And was quoting Gould's theory of punctuation as a supporting point.

So then reading Spencer's case for intelligent design it is interesting but my heart just fell when I read 'Christianity'. Why, why do people need to be religious?! Why cannot supporters of intelligent design/creationism be apart/segregated from religion??? it's absolutely depressing. People are not capable of being/doing good in large numbers.... the social experiment and failure of communism is a prime example of this...

And this is all I seem to be capable of today... I feel drained, it has been such a long week...

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