Thursday, February 11, 2010

Climate Change

Some time back, we would be talking of ‘global warming’, a scientific hypothesis that human induced carbon emissions are substantial enough to alter the climate and weather patterns of our planet. These days we talk
of ‘climate change’, and this expression not only more accurately describes the climatic events (which are no longer just ‘warming’) that have been observed and are being predicted but most importantly gives credence to the fact that this is becoming a ‘phenomenon’ of sorts. Climate change is no longer just affecting our climate system, but through peoples efforts it is having an effect on our thinking, society, our markets, policy, economics, and industry. Sadly constantly the phrase rings out – I ‘believe’ in climate change, I do not ‘believe’ in climate change.

I hope we are all here because we do not believe in climate change, but because as we see its far reaching influence, we want to ‘know’ more about it.

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