Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Wow :) This is my first exposure the an 'official' debate among the leaders of the scientific community in the area of EM engineering :) Very cool :)
The topic is the existence of 'metamaterials' (of course Wiki has an article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamaterial), negative refractive index is the cool bit :) I have to admit having read just a bit about them, I do not have a very good idea what either side is really talking about but it feels very interesting :)
So find the official debate in the IEEE Microwave Mag (Vol 10, Num 3, May 2009) and stay tuned :).
I know who I'm cheering for :) Metamaterial guys of course, makes life more interesting if there's the possibility of a negative refractive index, flat lenses, etc.